David Wiesner


Regular price €15,50

Publisher: Orecchio acerbo

An exploration on the beach turns into the discovery of an ancient treasure: a camera rejected by the waves. Through his memory-film we participate in the adventures experienced in his imaginative past: swimming in schools of robot fish, listening to stories told by octopuses, witnessing a hot air balloon pufferfish hover in the air, participating in conferences between aliens and seahorses.

Each illustration is a blink of an eye, a brief moment in the fantastic past of a timeless being. In the succession of frames and attentive eyes, the camera is passed down from child to child, creating an infinite thread of connections between years and distant places.

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Ottimo Massimo è il cane bassotto di Cosimo Piovasco, il barone rampante di Italo Calvino, che dà il nome alla nostra libreria.

Il disegno di Ottimomassimo, che ci accompagna alla scoperta del sito, è stato un regalo di Vladimir Radunsky.

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