Publisher: Giunti
In the land of the Snicci Comuni and the Snicci Stellati, who are not at all happy about living together, a merchant appears ready to solve any problem: the Municipalities become Stellati and the Stellati Municipalities, just don't get confused. And if the Municipalities are not happy they return to Starred, so the Starred become Municipalities to distinguish themselves.
A little further on there is pandemonium: Mrs. Spicci regrets having named all twenty-three of her children... Ciccio!
There on the hill, after an unfortunate encounter, a respectable citizen, fearless in the face of anything but the unknown, is hiding in a feather bush.
Between a tongue twister and a bizarre twist, Dr. Seuss highlights the senseless certainties of our world, so silly and surreal that they make the little ones (and us) laugh.
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