Magnus Weightman

Ducky, where are you?

Regular price €16,95

Publisher: Clavis

Betta the Bunny's Duck has no intention of getting caught. She prefers to follow the course of the river, from the mountain to the sea, and observe everything that surrounds her: Lollo the Chicken whizzing around on rollerblades, the Cervi family's first cycling holiday, Adonis the Pigeon who searches the territory or Nella's funny fishing Sheep.

Of course, these landscapes are so enchanting that we too want to get lost. A book to observe, read and reread in search of Duck (who quickly hides at every turn of the page) and all the other animals, each engaged in their own adventures.

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Ottimo Massimo è il cane bassotto di Cosimo Piovasco, il barone rampante di Italo Calvino, che dà il nome alla nostra libreria.

Il disegno di Ottimomassimo, che ci accompagna alla scoperta del sito, è stato un regalo di Vladimir Radunsky.

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