Valérie Fontaine

The Big Bad Wolf in My House

Regular price €23,50

Publisher: Groundwood Books

Domestic violence is a huge problem. There have never been many children's books that tell it. It's difficult to address the discussion with children, it's difficult to get the book inside the circle closed by violence and fears. Yet here two of them happen to me in one day. One is a comic book, one is a novel. Both beautiful.

Pay attention to the nuances of meaning, pay attention to the intent behind the words, not didactic, not with that subtle and unbearable tone of someone who knows what they want to "teach" and who tells you what you should do and think. Those who suffer never need teachers, they are masters of survival and there are no lessons to be given. You can only support, listen, stay vigilant and protect. Both of these books respect this rule. I'm happy to introduce them to you.

The Big Bad Wolf in My House - Valérie Fontaine

The Hideout - Pam Smy

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