Linda Groeneveld

An elephant at tea time

Regular price €14,90

Publisher: La Nuova Frontiera

A story with classic flavors with a slightly haughty but very ingenious little princess, a slightly careless and decidedly too busy dad, an evil witch (or maybe it's the big bad wolf?) who transforms into an intoxicating flower in the presence of the king ready to get married and... well, then luckily an elephant arrives. Just in time for tea time!

A wittily exaggerated fairy tale, childish in the truest and even a little irreverent way that will show you that nothing is impossible, not even teaching an elephant how to pee by raising its leg.

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Ottimo Massimo è il cane bassotto di Cosimo Piovasco, il barone rampante di Italo Calvino, che dà il nome alla nostra libreria.

Il disegno di Ottimomassimo, che ci accompagna alla scoperta del sito, è stato un regalo di Vladimir Radunsky.

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