Books for BIG book lovers

In my opinion, picture books can be divided into many categories! It's a game I've been playing for years: inventing categories, very distinct groups, for those who know books. For example:
Wonderfully beautiful books, which average parents will never buy their children (sadly)
Books for children, that is, books that they choose themselves influenced by the mass media ... (peppa, pimpa pippi. for example.)
Easy business books, which don't change anything in the mind and heart...
I recently added a new category:
Books for "big" book lovers.
They are children's books, they are only found in specialized bookstores for children, they are actually disguised as children's books, impossible to find in an adult bookshop. “Normal” booksellers absolutely don't know where to put them!!! However, they are made for parents and adults. They have complex and difficult themes, dense and sophisticated illustrations. Due to professional deformation, when I pick up a book I think "Who is this book for?" If I don't find an answer, I put the book down... except for these books here. That even if I don't know the face of the person who would read them... I have to be able to propose them!
I got the idea that the great task of these books, what makes them special, is that they fuel the adult's love for illustrated books, define a passion and make those who love children's books feel satisfied and happy. . A happiness that comes from knowing children's publishing and from knowing, fortunately, recognizing this sophisticated selection of books. It's an important reward!
The topic these books deal with is not for children, the illustration is not childish and the different symbols and contrasts that make them readable are only for adults. The text is short, but very deep and metaphorical. The connection between words and images is sophisticated and full of quotations. The construction and pacing of the book are wonderful..
I'll give you some examples: In the book Friends for Life , we find the intense and profound story of two friends/sisters who spend their lives together. Slight double meanings, bathing together as adults, experiences that only real life can make you understand, are inserted between the text and the drawings.
The second Happy Parents tells of a father and a mother and the difficulties of remaining together despite everything... "once upon a time there was a sublime princess and a valiant prince who were inseparable from the moment they met... tells the grown-up fairy tale... there are fears, phobias and anger as adults in this book that the child does not know and should not know...
But that the adult experiences and lives. I recommend it to all adults who love other adults who love books!!
Both of these books are illustrated by Emmanuelle Houdart.
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